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Target platforms

Desktop OS

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How do you use React Native?

Top React Native app user count

We asked members of the React Native community to share their opinions about the results

Examining these data points, I find that they reflect well one key aspect of my vision for react-native: ubiquity. By reducing the barriers to entry for native platform development, developers of various backgrounds and skill levels are able to bring their ideas to fruition for customers across many industries.

Additionally, there is a growing trend towards targeting mobile and web platforms. At Microsoft, we are working to extend this trend to include desktop platforms through our efforts with react-native-windows and react-native-macos. It is our hope that in the near future, we will see an increase in the targeting of desktop platforms as well.

We asked members of the React Native community to share their opinions about the results

Lorenzo Sciandra

Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, react-native core maintainer and releaser